SQL for Beginners


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SQL, short for Structured Query Language, serves as a cornerstone for managing data within relational database management systems, holding significant prominence across various industries. Widely regarded as one of the most vital programming languages in the business landscape, SQL proficiency is indispensable for professionals across technical and non-technical roles, spanning data/business analysts, marketing, operations, finance, sales, and support.

This comprehensive training course offers a fundamental understanding of SQL, equipping participants with essential skills for database management. Through hands-on instruction, you will learn how to utilize SQL to create databases and tables, retrieve and filter data, perform aggregation, leverage functions, execute subqueries, join multiple tables, and develop views. Whether you’re delving into SQL for the first time or seeking to enhance your expertise, this course provides a solid foundation for mastering essential SQL concepts and techniques.


  • You should have basic computing knowledge.
  • Familiarity with relational database concepts is helpful but not essential.

Course Contents

1: Understanding Databases and DBMS

  • Database and DBMS
  • Introduction to MS SQL Server
  • Introduction to Azure SQL Database

2: Structured Query Language (SQL) and T-SQL

  • Introduction to SQL and Transact-SQL (T-SQL)
  • USE Command
  • Create Databases using SQL
  • Drop Databases using SQL
  • Creating, Altering and Removing Tables using SQL
  • Commenting and Saving SQL

3: Data Manipulation Language

  • Introduction to DML
  • INSERT statements
  • UPDATE statements
  • DELETE statements

4: Retrieving Data

  • Introduction to the SELECT Statement
  • Retrieving Columns
  • Using DISTINCT to find unique values
  • Concatenating Columns
  • Creating Calculated Field
  • Limiting Results by using TOP Clause

5: Filtering Data

  • Using WHERE for filtering
  • Using the NOT operator
  • Using the LIKE operator
  • Using IS NULL and IS NOT NULL

6: Sorting Data Using ORDER BY

  • Sorting Data
  • Sorting by Multiple Columns
  • Specifying Sort Direction

7: Aggregation and grouping

  • Grouping by fields
  • Using HAVING to filter results

8: Built-In Functions

  • Introduction to Built-In Functions
  • Using System Functions
  • Conversion Functions – CONVERT
  • Using Mathematical functions
  • Using String Functions

9: Date and Time Functions

  • Using CONVERT to format a date/time

10: Combining multiple SELECT Results


11: Subqueries

  • Introduction of Subqueries
  • Subqueries vs Joining Tables
  • Subqueries with Comparison Operators
  • Subqueries with IN and NOT IN Operators

11: Joins

  • Inner joins
  • Table aliases
  • Left and right outer joins
  • Full outer joins
  • Aggregate Queries with Multiple Tables

Why Choose Us?

Our aim is not just to get you the qualification but also guide you through all processes while you are applying for your SIA Licence. Following are some of the reasons why you should choose us as your training provider:

  • Excellent Success Rate!
  • Fully accredited and authorized training center in London!
  • Most competitive prices with NO HIDDEN COSTS!
  • Prices are all inclusive of tuition, handbook, notebook, exams and certificate costs!
  • Nationally recognized and Ofqual accredited training course!
  • Highly skilled and qualified trainers with a great wealth of practical knowledge & experience!
  • Post-qualification email support while you are preparing to book your licence application!
  • Free guidance session on how to apply and obtain a SIA Licence!

This Course Includes:

Total Duration
12 Hours
Course Level
Delivery Method
Online Training


Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course.

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