JavaScript for Beginners


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JavaScript is crucial for building modern, interactive websites and apps. Alongside HTML and CSS, it’s a core building block of the web, growing more popular thanks to powerful libraries and frameworks.

Though JavaScript can be trickier to learn than HTML and CSS, our comprehensive course equips you with the skills to create dynamic websites and fully-featured web apps.

This intensive course offers ample time for questions and practical assignments, ensuring students learn quickly through hands-on tasks.


Students should have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS before attending this course.

Course Contents

1: Getting Started

  • HTML CSS and JavaScript
  • Client-side Vs Sever-side
  • What is JavaScript?
  • Find your Editor
  • Browsers and Console

2: Loading JS

  • JavaScript and Statements
  • JavaScript Comments
  • Execution Order
  • Placing your JS in your HTML
  • The Type Attribute
  • Folder Structure

3: Core JS Syntax

  • Variables & Data Types
  • Conditional Code
  • Operators and Expressions
  • Operator Precedence
  • Comparison Operators
  • Strict Equality
  • Logical Operators
  • Modulus
  • Increment/Decrement
  • Ternary
  • Loops: While, Do… While & For Loop
  • Functions & parameters
  • Variable Scope

4: Types & Objects

  • Objects in javascript
  • Creating arrays
  • Array Properties
  • Array Methods
  • Addition Vs Concatenation
  • Not a number
  • Math Object
  • String Object
  • Quotes Inside Quotes
  • String Properties
  • String Methods
  • String Comparison
  • The Document Object Model (DOM)
  • The Window Object
  • The Document Object
  • The Date Object
  • Comparing Dates
  • The Switch Method

5: Form Elements HTML5 & JS

  • Input Types in HTML5
  • Accessing the forms
  • Using querySelector
  • Using the name attribute to get info
  • Accessing fields (DOM)
  • HTML 5 Input form Validation
  • Using the autofocus attribute
  • Displaying placeholder text in form fields
  • Using the required attribute
  • Using the autocomplete attribute

6: Append/Output Info

  • createElement
  • appendChild
  • createTextNode
  • Output
  • Exercise

Why Choose Us?

Our aim is not just to get you the qualification but also guide you through all processes while you are applying for your SIA Licence. Following are some of the reasons why you should choose us as your training provider:

  • Excellent Success Rate!
  • Fully accredited and authorized training center in London!
  • Most competitive prices with NO HIDDEN COSTS!
  • Prices are all inclusive of tuition, handbook, notebook, exams and certificate costs!
  • Nationally recognized and Ofqual accredited training course!
  • Highly skilled and qualified trainers with a great wealth of practical knowledge & experience!
  • Post-qualification email support while you are preparing to book your licence application!
  • Free guidance session on how to apply and obtain a SIA Licence!

This Course Includes:

Total Duration
12 Hours
Course Level
Delivery Method
Onsite/Online Training


Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course.

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