Embark on a comprehensive journey into Flutter for beginners, starting with the fundamentals of Dart programming and progressing to Flutter UI examples. This course is designed to teach Flutter and Dart from the ground up, making it accessible to learners with no prior knowledge. With Flutter, you can build iOS and Android apps using just one codebase, eliminating the need to learn separate languages for each platform.
Explore different approaches for loading and managing data in Flutter apps, empowering you to create seamless user experiences across multiple devices. Flutter, a Cross-platform Mobile Development Framework developed by Google, streamlines the process of building native mobile apps for both iOS and Android using the Dart programming language. Say goodbye to the need for learning Swift/Objective-C and Kotlin/Java—Flutter enables you to write apps for both platforms effortlessly.
- Basic programming language knowledge is helpful but not mandatory.
- For Android app development, you can use macOS, Windows, or Linux, while iOS apps require macOS. macOS is recommended.
- You’ll need Xcode (version 14 recommended) for building and running iOS apps.
- Android Studio is required for building and running Android apps.
- Visual Studio Code is recommended for development.
- No prior experience in iOS or Android development is necessary.
- No prior experience in Flutter or Dart is required; this course starts from scratch!
Course Contents
1: Introduction to Flutter and Dart Programming Language
- Introduction to the course
- What is Flutter and Dart?
- Why Flutter and Dart?
- Writing Dart code
- DartPad
- Installing Dart SDK
- Installing Dart IDE and Writing Dart Program
2:Â Dart Programming – Syntax
- The main( ) function
- Dart Variables
- Dart Data Types
- Dart Conditional Operators
- If Else and Logical Operators
- For Loops
- While Loops
- Do-while Loops
- Break Statement
- Switch Case Statement
3:Â Dart Functions & Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Functions
- Function Structure
- Creating a Function
- Function Return Data
- Void Function
- Function Returning
- Functions and Variable
- Creating a Class
- Adding Methods to Classes
- Providing Constructors for Your Classes
- Dart Project Structure and Dart Libraries
4:Â Introduction To Development With Flutter
- Understanding the Flutter Framework
- Installing and Configuring Flutter SDK
- Install Android Studio
- Install the Android Emulator
- Install Xcode and Command Line Tools
- Test the iOS Simulator
- Mac Installation Troubleshooting
- Creating a New Flutter Project
- Run your Flutter App on an Android Phone
- Run your Flutter App on an iPhone Device
5:Â Flutter Widgets Fundamentals
- What is a MaterialApp widget?
- Scaffold Widget
- Image Widget
- Container Widget
- Column and Row Widgets
- Icon Widget
- Card Widget
- App Icons for iOS and Android Apps
- Hot Reload and Hot Restart
- Stateful and Stateless Widgets
- Use a Custom Font
6:Â Navigation and Routing
- Button Widget
- App Structure and Navigation
- Navigate to a New Screen and Back
- Navigate with Named Routes
- Send and Return Data Among Screens
- Animate a Widget Across Screens
- WebView Widget in Flutter
- Lab: Navigation and Routing a Pizza Store App
7:Â Visual, Behavioral, and Motion-Rich Widgets implementing Material Design Guidelines
- Introduction
- BottomNavigatorBar Widget
- DefaultTabController, TabBar, and TabBarView
- ListTile Widget
- ListView Widget
- Drawer Widget
- DataTable Widget
- SelectableText Widget
- Stack Widget
- Input and Selections
- Dialogues, Alerts, and Panels
8:Â Architecture and State Management
- Understand why we need to manage the state across our widget tree
- Learn about declarative vs. imperative programming
- Look at how setState works under the hood
- Learn about prop drilling and lifting state up
- Create a Demo app
- Learn about the BottomSheet widget and the ListViewBuilder. Understand Flutter app architecture design patterns
- Learn to manage state with the Google-recommended Bloc package
9: Powering Flutter Apps With Backend Data
- Learn about asynchronous programming in Dart and understand how to use async/await and the Futures API. Understand Stateful Widget lifecycle methods.
- Handling exceptions in dart with try/catch and throw. Use Dart null aware operators to prevent app crashes. Getting location data from both iOS and Android.
- Using the http package to perform networking and get live data from open APIs.
- Understanding how to parse JSON data using the dart:convert library.
- Understand how to pass data to State objects via the Stateful Widget.
- Use the TextField Widget to take user input.
- Understand how to pass data backwards using the Navigator widget.
10: Location-Aware Apps: Using GPS and Google Maps
- Introduction
- What is GPS and how does it work?
- The Camera Position
- Adding Google Maps to a Flutter app
11: App Testing & Publishing
- Testing and Feedback for Your App
- Publishing Flutter Apps
- Publishing Android App on Google Play Store
- Publishing iOS app on Apple Store
Why Choose Us?
Our aim is not just to get you the qualification but also guide you through all processes while you are applying for your SIA Licence. Following are some of the reasons why you should choose us as your training provider:
- Excellent Success Rate!
- Fully accredited and authorized training center in London!
- Most competitive prices with NO HIDDEN COSTS!
- Prices are all inclusive of tuition, handbook, notebook, exams and certificate costs!
- Nationally recognized and Ofqual accredited training course!
- Highly skilled and qualified trainers with a great wealth of practical knowledge & experience!
- Post-qualification email support while you are preparing to book your licence application!
- Free guidance session on how to apply and obtain a SIA Licence!
This Course Includes:
Total Duration
12 Hours
Course Level
Delivery Method
Onsite Training
Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course.
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