Android App Development with Java


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This course is tailored for individuals who are just beginning their journey into mobile application development and aspire to become proficient in building apps using Android, which stands as one of the most widely used programming languages for mobile app development. Held in a classroom environment, this course offers a structured learning experience, equipping participants with the essential knowledge and skills needed to kickstart their programming journey with Android.

Throughout the duration of the course, students will delve into fundamental concepts and practical applications of Android development, guided by experienced instructors. From understanding the basics of the Android platform to learning how to write code and design user interfaces, participants will receive comprehensive instruction on the core elements necessary for creating functional and user-friendly mobile applications. By the end of the course, students will have gained a solid foundation in Android programming, empowering them to pursue further learning and embark on their career path as mobile application developers.


No existing knowledge on Android is required. This course is suitable for those who already have basic Java programming knowledge

Course Contents

1: Environment Setup

  • Installing the Eclipse IDE
  • Setup Android SDK
  • Setup Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin
  • Create Android Virtual Device

2: Android Architecture & Components

  • Android Runtime
  • Application Framework
  • Activities
  • Services
  • Broadcast Receivers
  • Content Providers

3: Hello World Example

  • Create Android Application
  • Structure of Android Application
  • The Activity File
  • The Manifest File
  • The Layout File
  • The Strings File
  • The R File

4: Resource Organizing & Accessing

  • Alternative Resources
  • Accessing Resources in Code
  • Accessing Resources in XML

5: UI Layouts

  • Android Layout Types
  • Linear Layout
  • Relative Layout
  • Layout Attributes

6: UI Controls & Attributes

  • TextView
  • EditText
  • Button
  • CheckBox
  • ToggleButton
  • RadioGroup & RadioButton
  • ImageView

7: Event Handling

  • Event listeners & handlers
  • Event Listener Registration
    • Using an Anonymous Inner Class
    • Using Activity Implements Listener Interface

8: Intents

  • Intent Objects
  • Android Intent Standard Action
  • Types of Intent
  • Passing Data with Intent Extras

9: ListView and GridView

  • ListView Attributes
  • Array Adapter
  • Simple Cursor Adapter
  • GridView Attributes
  • Base Adapter
  • Sub-Activity

10: Style & Themes

  • Defining Styles
  • Using Styles
  • Style Inheritance
  • Android Themes
  • Default Styles and Themes

11: Making a ToDo List App with Login and Registration Form

  • Designing an app concept
  • Creating Layout with components
  • Creating Activities
  • Implementing logic
  • Building a working application
  • Installing and Running on Device

Why Choose Us?

Our aim is not just to get you the qualification but also guide you through all processes while you are applying for your SIA Licence. Following are some of the reasons why you should choose us as your training provider:

  • Excellent Success Rate!
  • Fully accredited and authorized training center in London!
  • Most competitive prices with NO HIDDEN COSTS!
  • Prices are all inclusive of tuition, handbook, notebook, exams and certificate costs!
  • Nationally recognized and Ofqual accredited training course!
  • Highly skilled and qualified trainers with a great wealth of practical knowledge & experience!
  • Post-qualification email support while you are preparing to book your licence application!
  • Free guidance session on how to apply and obtain a SIA Licence!

This Course Includes:

Total Duration
12 Hours
Course Level
Delivery Method
Online Training


Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course.

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